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interesting service. Without the model, the application provides no value. We place great importance on creating a rich model that clearly expresses the business reality and the solution to problems in that domain. The style of modeling we ll use in this book is domain-driven design (DDD), as conveyed by Eric Evans in his book, Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software. Covering the topic in depth takes a book in itself; we ll tackle a small primer, which should enable you to follow the software examples in the rest of this book. After the DDD primer, we ll discuss how to best use the domain model, and then we ll look at how to use a presentation model to keep controllers and views simple. We ll keep a keen eye on separation of concerns to ensure that every class has a single, well-defined responsibility.

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ReadNode returns an XmlNode object that contains the subtree representing everything that has been read, including attributes ReadNode is different from ChildNodes in that it recursively processes children at any level and does not stop at the first level of siblings Visiting an XML DOM Subtree So far, we've examined ways to get XML DOM objects out of an XML reader Is it possible to call an XML reader to work on an XML DOM document and have the reader visit the whole subtree, one node after the next 2 introduced the XmlNodeReader class, with the promise to return to it later Let's do that now The XmlNodeReader class is an XML reader that enables you to read nodes out of a given XML DOM subtree Just as XmlTextReader visits all the nodes of the specified XML file, XmlNodeReader visits all the nodes that form an XML DOM subtree.

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Want to decode pdf417 in your C# app? ByteScout BarCode Reader SDK is designed for it. ByteScout BarCode Reader SDK is the SDK for reading of barcodes ...
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RasterEdge C#.NET PDF 417 Barcode Reader plays a vital role in RasterEdge Barcode Add-on component, which is known for reading and scanning PDF 417​ ...
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Now let s say that you are asked to return only one aggregate (say, total quantity). You can safely use the subquery approach:

Note that the node reader is really capable of traversing all the nodes in the subtree no matter the level of depth Let's review a situation in which you might want to take advantage of XmlNodeReader The XmlNodeReader Class Suppose you have selected a node about which you need more information To scan all the nodes that form the subtree using XML DOM, your only option is to use a recursive algorithm like the one discussed with the LoopThroughChildren method in the section "Loading XML Documents," on page 219 The XmlNodeReader class gives you an effective, and ready-to-use, alternative, shown here: // Select the root of the subtree to process XmlNode n = rootSelectSingleNode("Employee[@id=2]"); if (n != null) { // Instantiate a node reader object XmlNodeReader nodeReader = new XmlNodeReader(n); // Visit the subtree while (nodeReaderRead()) { // Do something with the node.. 186.

ct.addText(new Phrase("Lines written: " + linesWritten)); ct.go();

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Reading and decoding PDF-417 barcodes stored in an image or PDF ...
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Haven't used this component of theirs, but have a look it is C#, and you can ... NET is probably the easiest way to decode PDF 417 and many ...
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NET project; Digitally-signed PDF417 barcode reader library that is written in managed C# code; The .NET PDF417 scanner control component supports ...
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Any user can install a new device if a driver for that device is included in the driver store. To install any driver, signed or unsigned, when logged on as a member of the local Administrators group you must provide your consent in a UAC dialog box. If you re logged on using an account without administrative permissions, you ll be prompted to supply an administrator s credentials to install a signed driver but will be unable to install any unsigned drivers.

Let s copy the content of the main method of figure 1.5, and remove the comments. The numbers to the side in this listing indicate the different steps in the PDF-creation process.

) SELECT OrderYear, COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS NumCusts FROM C GROUP BY OrderYear;

The first query returns the set of customer IDs from Customers ({FISSA, FRNDO, KRLOS, MRPHS}), and the second query returns the set of customer IDs from Orders ({FRNDO, FRNDO, KRLOS, KRLOS, KRLOS, MRPHS, NULL}). The set operation returns ({FISSA}), the set of rows from the first set that do not appear in the second set. Finally, the set operation removes duplicates from the result set. In this case, there are no duplicates to remove. The result set's column names are determined by the set operation's left input. Columns in corresponding positions must match in their datatypes or be implicitly convertible. Finally, an interesting aspect of set operations is that they treat NULLs as equal.


An automated system watches the source control system. When it finds changes, it gets the latest version of the code. The automated system builds the code. The automated system runs unit tests. The automated system sends build and test results to a feedback system so that team members can know the current status of the build.

something else entirely To get the answer, you must look up ArrayList s Add method and see what type its parameter is defined as . In this case, the Add method is prototyped as follows:

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