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The display is 160 pixels wide by 160 pixels high, just like the Palm display. Pen taps are simulated by moving the mouse over the display and pressing the primary mouse button (usually the left button). Pen strokes are simulated by dragging the mouse across the display. The elliptical areas at the bottom of the display represent the buttons on a Palm device. The leftmost area is the power button, followed by the Date Book and Address Book buttons, the scroll up and scroll down buttons, and the To Do and Memo Pad buttons. You can press the power button at any time to exit the simulation, but be aware that on a real Palm device, that action will not terminate a running application, it will just suspend the device. Character input on a real Palm device is done by using pen strokes, but with the simulator, just use the keyboard. The samples are summarized in Table 7.1. Refer to the release notes for detailed descriptions and instructions. Each sample is run by using the kw or ku command and the name of the sample as its only argument. The most interesting and complicated samples are dots.DotGame and missiles.Missiles, the latter being much easier to play on an actual device. You can find the source for each sample in the samples directory.

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