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When an SGSN indicates to HLR, during location update or data restoration, that it supports CAMEL phase 3, then that SGSN will support the full capability set that is speci ed for CAMEL phase 3, as far as is applicable to the SGSN When an SGSN initiates a CAMEL phase 3 dialogue with the gsmSCF, that SGSN will support the full capability set that is speci ed for the application context used for that CAMEL phase 3 dialogue Practically, this implies, for example, that, when an MSC indicates in MAP location update that it supports CAMEL phases 1 3, the HLR may send any combination of O-CSI, SS-CSI, TIF-CSI, D-CSI, VT-CSI, M-CSI and MO-SMS-CSI to that VLR Furthermore, when the MSC sends CAP v3 InitialDP, the gsmSCF should be able to use any of the operations that are speci ed within CAP v3, provided that any applicable dialogue rule is ful lled With the introduction of CAMEL phase 4, this principle could no longer be maintained The complete capability set of CAMEL phase 4 is of such magnitude that MSC and SGSN vendors apply a phased implementation approach Implementation of the complete CAMEL phase 4 functionality may be implemented during a few successive MSC or SGSN system releases Hence, a CAMEL phase 4 MSC may support the full CAMEL phase 4 capability or a de ned subset thereof Two mechanisms are used to control the CAMEL Phase 4 subsets Supported CAMEL 4 CSIs When a subscriber registers in MSC or SGSN, the MSC or SGSN reports the following to the HLR: Supported CAMEL phases the MSC or SGSN indicates which CAMEL phases it supports This may be CAMEL phase 1 up to CAMEL phase 4 The industry convention is that, when an MSC or SGSN supports CAMEL phase n, that MSC or SGSN will also support the CAMEL phases prior to n For the SGSN, there is only CAMEL phase 3 and CAMEL phase 4 de ned Offered CAMEL4 CSIs when the MSC or SGSN indicates that it supports CAMEL phase 4, that MSC or SGSN will also indicate which parts of CAMEL phase 4 it supports Table 62 lists the permissible CAMEL phase 4 subsets MT-SMS-CSI and MG-CSI are introduced in CAMEL phase 4; the other CSIs (O-CSI, T-CSI, D-CSI, VT-CSI) are speci ed in CAMEL phase 3, or earlier, but may also have a CAMEL phase 4 variant MO-SMS-CSI, SS-CSI, TIF-CSI and M-CSI do not have a CAMEL phase 4 variant That. c# read pdf file Extract Text from PDF in C# (100% . NET ) - CodeProject
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